Weak and narrow hairs: can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and certain hairstyling practices. Here are some modern treatment options for weak and narrow hairs:

Topical treatments: there are several topical treatments that can help to strengthen and thicken weak and narrow hairs. Minoxidil is a medication that is applied directly to the scalp, which can help to promote hair growth and increase the diameter of the hair. Other topical treatments include hair growth supplements, biotin, and hair growth oil.

Hair care routine: it's important to have a healthy hair care routine that includes regular shampoo ing and conditioning, as well as minimizing the use of heat-styling tools and harsh chemicals.

Hair growth supplements: some hair growth supplements contain vitamins and minerals that are known to support healthy hair growth, such as biotin, iron, and zinc.

Hair transplant: in case of severe hair loss or thinning, hair transplantation is an option to consider. The procedure involves removing hair from one area of the scalp and transplanting it to the area where hair is thinning or missing.

Scalp micro-pigmentation: this is a non-surgical hair loss treatment that uses pigment to create the appearance of a full head of hair.